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Privacy Policy

We care about protecting the information you share with us. With this in mind, we continually review and update our privacy policies and company protocols to ensure compliance with the privacy regulations of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


All the data we collect is necessary to maintain contact with you and to provide you with the best service ​​. SEL srl fully protects your personal and private information. First, we minimize the collection of only the necessary data (name, contact information, passport number and physical information) necessary to complete transactions and provide services during the tour. Second, we do not collect any financial information.



Collection and use of personally identifiable information

SEL srl automatically collects some information about your visit to our website through cookies. The information collected may include: IP (Internet Protocol) address and domain name used, type of browser used, date and time you visited the website and web pages and services you accessed.


This data is used to improve the content of our services. By accessing and browsing this website, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, storage and processing of your information in accordance with the Privacy Policy. All this information is anonymous and does not identify individuals. The information provides us with marketing data such as number of visitors, general locations (city, region, country), frequency and duration of visits. We use the information to help us with promotions and product development.


The Internet industry regularly uses cookies that can be placed on your computer to collect information about your web visits. Cookies are not linked to any personally identifiable information. You can disable cookies by changing your browser settings to not accept cookies or to notify you when a cookie is sent to you.



Contact form

SEL srl collects personal information (name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number) provided by you through our Contact Form and/or during the e-mail contact.

We use this information to fulfill our obligations in providing our bike tour services. All information collected and stored is on a secure server.



Electronic newsletters

We may use your e-mail address to send electronic newsletters. You can decide not to receive them at any time by unsubscribing at the bottom of the newsletter or by sending an email to



Use of images

During our tours, we may take photos that are only used for professional use on our website, in electronic newsletters or on social media. You can refuse the use of your image by choosing this option in the booking form.




Transfer of data to third parties

We only share your information with authorized third parties necessary to provide services for your tour or in an administrative capacity. This includes:



Tour operator partner

Service providers (hotels, transport companies, etc.)

Other people who provide services for your tour with us

Limited information may be viewed by our accountants and financial representatives on invoices and transaction receipts



Archiving of data

We process and store your data on our secure server. As most of our guests return to our tours within two years, we keep contact information. We also store names and emails for our electronic email list. We do not receive financial information from our customers, so we do not store credit or bank card information.



Security measures

To prevent unauthorized access, to maintain data accuracy and to ensure the appropriate use of any information you provide, SEL srl has put in place physical, electronic and managerial processes to protect your information. Additionally, all user information stored on this website is protected from unauthorized access through the use of secure login information and security shields / procedures.


We make sure that third party contracts maintain adequate controls to protect your personal data. We only share the data necessary for each specific tour service.



What can you do

You have the right to request access to your data that we have on file and to request its deletion. This will be done once our services have been completed or canceled and all financial transactions have been completed. You can do this by writing to


Contact us if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or any other of our Policies / Terms and Conditions. Write to us at



User obligations 

The user guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided by him in his name and in the name and on behalf of all the beneficiaries of the services booked on the Site and for which he is the representative, to whom these general conditions of sale are applicable in their entirety. The responsibility cannot be attributed in any way to SEL srl if the information provided by the User at the time of registration and / or order (name, postal address, email, telephone, etc.) is false or incorrect. It is specified that the names and surnames of the participants in the trip, entered by the User at the time of registration and which appear in his personal area ... ..are automatically reported in the fields relating to the identity of the passengers during the booking process: it is the responsibility of the User verify for each order that the information relating to passengers is correct and, if necessary, modify it. The User undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of his login credentials and not to communicate them in any way to third parties. SEL srl cannot be held responsible for any fraudulent or malicious use of your account, except to demonstrate that such use does not result from any fault or negligence on your part. SEL srl reserves the right to refuse any booking requests from a User at any time if there is a fraudulent use of the Site by the User.



Terms of use

These general conditions govern the use of the website by the user and the sale of tourist services offered in the electronic catalogs of SEL srl (by way of example, but not limited to, stays, tours, overnight stays in hotels) available on the Site. The General Conditions constitute a binding agreement between SEL srl and the user who uses the Site, books and purchases the Services. The User is also subject to the special conditions applicable to the individual Services (including details on the destination, departure date and duration of the holiday, price, applicable taxes) which are specified in the SEL srl online catalogs. These particular conditions form an integral and substantial part of the contract between SEL srl and the User. The use of the Site, the reservations and the purchase of the Services are subject to the acceptance of these General Conditions by the User. The User is therefore required to read and expressly and fully accept the General Conditions as well as any special conditions applicable to individual Services, by ticking the appropriate box or clicking on the hypertext link provided for this purpose. In the absence of acceptance of the General Conditions and any special conditions applicable to the individual Services, it will not be technically possible to confirm the booking and purchase the Services. The General Conditions provide for a different discipline depending on whether the User purchases the Services as a unit or as part of a "tourist package".


The General Conditions may be changed at any time, without notice, it being understood that such changes will not be applied to orders placed by the User before the change. Therefore, the User is required to carefully read the current text of the General Conditions before making the reservation and purchase of the Services.)



Registration on the Site

Registration is allowed only to users who are natural persons, who are of majority age. By "Consumers" we mean natural persons who access SEL srl for purposes not related to any commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity carried out. In order to use the Site, the User must register by filling in the form accessible through the home page. page of the Site with their personal data. The User will also be asked to enter their e-mail address and to enter a secret password. The e-mail address and password will act as authentication credentials ("Authentication Credentials") to be able to access all the features of the Site and the Services. The User declares and guarantees that all personal data and information provided as part of the registration process are up-to-date, complete, truthful and correct. The User undertakes to promptly notify Sentieri gastronimici  any changes to their registration data. Furthermore, the User authorizes SEL srl to verify the truthfulness and correctness of the registration data and other information provided and undertakes to cooperate with SEL srl  for the success of these verifications. The User will be solely responsible for their Authentication Credentials both as regards their conservation and their use. If the User becomes aware of any unauthorized use of the Authentication Credentials and / or of any violation of the confidentiality of the password, the User must promptly inform SEL srl of the situation. the User is solely responsible for accessing the Site using the Authentication Credentials and is directly liable for any damage or prejudice caused to SEL srl or to third parties by improper use, loss, misappropriation by others or failure protection of adequate secrecy of their Authentication Credentials. All operations carried out using the Authentication Credentials are considered to have been carried out by the User to whom the Authentication Credentials refer. SEL srl reserves the right, at its discretion and at any time, to: - terminate the contract with the User in the event of improper use of the site or contrary to the terms and conditions of sale signed - refuse the registration of new Customers or delete Credentials of existing Authentications, without this resulting in the obligation to communicate the reasons for such decisions or the right to indemnity or compensation.



Trademarks and Intellectual Property Rights

All the contents of the Site, such as but not limited to, texts, graphics, trademarks, logos, icons, images, audio tracks, databases, software (and related source codes) are protected by the Code of

Industrial Property, Legislative Decree 30/2005, by the law on copyright, ln 633/41, as well as by other applicable laws on industrial and intellectual property. The aforementioned industrial property rights e

intellectual property are the exclusive property of SEL srl, or its suppliers. Without the written consent of SEL srl, therefore, the user cannot, in any way, means or form, copy, modify, change, publish, publicly promote, distribute, sell or transfer any material, database or program strings present on the Site, neither in part nor in whole. The photos shown in the descriptions are purely illustrative and have no binding value. SEL srl tries to offer a realistic view of the services offered through the photos and illustrations provided. The photos and illustrations shown in the descriptions, however, are purely illustrative, are provided by the owners of the services offered and may not reflect the conditions of the facilities and services at the time of booking. In any case, the aforementioned photos and illustrations do not oblige SEL srl except to the extent that they indicate the category or level of services



Travel contract signature

The signing of the travel contract can take place through the exchange of emails, in which you attach the contract and the general conditions of sale and if unable to scan the signed contract, you can reply to the email expressly accepting the conditions indicated in the attachment Article 36 of the tourism code provides "the tourist package contracts are formulated in a simple and clear language and, where in written form, legible" The contract is therefore subject to a form designed to place the tourist in the condition of having full awareness of the rights and of the obligations deriving from the sales contract of the tourist package in compliance with the principle of transparency in consumer contract.


It is expressly foreseen the obligation of the organizer to provide simultaneously with the conclusion of the contract or immediately after (without undue delay) a copy or confirmation of the contract in a "durable medium",
In the absence of a signed contract, the burden of proof of the fulfillment of the information obligations lies with the professional.
The exchange of e-mails fulfills the indication of the law that the contract is on a durable medium, and the conclusive behavior of the traveler (of payment of the deposit, then of the balance, ..etc) certifies the formation of the contractual will (Also the content of the 'email can form a full proof of the facts and things represented, if the one against whom it is produced does not deny the conformity to the facts or to the things themselves. and in their content. This is sanctioned by the recent order n.11606 / 2018 of the Court of Cassation, which recognizes that email has significant validity in terms of its ability to represent legally relevant deeds, facts or data.)

Cookie Policy

COOKIE POLICY aggiornata al Reg UE 2016/679 (Regolamento Europeo in materia di protezione dei dati personali)


Il Sito utilizza “cookie”. Utilizzando il Sito, l'utente acconsente all’utilizzo dei cookie in conformità con questa policy. I cookie sono piccoli file memorizzati sull’hard disk del computer dell’utente. Esistono due macrocategorie di cookie: cookie tecnici e cookie di profilazione. I cookie tecnici sono necessari per il corretto funzionamento di un sito web e per permettere la navigazione dell’utente; senza di essi l’utente potrebbe non essere in grado di visualizzare correttamente le pagine oppure di utilizzare alcuni servizi. I cookie di profilazione hanno il compito di creare profili dell’utente al fine di inviare messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze manifestate dallo stesso durante la navigazione.


I cookie possono inoltre essere classificati come:

- cookie “di sessione”, i quali vengono cancellati immediatamente alla chiusura del browser di navigazione;

- cookie “persistenti”, i quali rimangono all’interno del browser per un determinato periodo di tempo. Sono utilizzati, ad esempio, per riconoscere il dispositivo che si collega ad un sito agevolando le operazioni di autenticazione per l’utente;

- cookie “propri”, generati e gestiti direttamente dal soggetto gestore del sito web sul quale l’utente sta navigando;

- cookie “terze parti”, generati e gestiti da soggetti diversi dal gestore del sito web sul quale l’utente sta navigando.


Il Sito potrebbe contenere link ad altri siti (c.d. siti terzi). Il titolare del trattamento non effettua alcun accesso o controllo su cookie, web beacon e altre tecnologie di tracciamento degli utenti che potrebbero essere utilizzate dai siti terzi cui l’utente può accedere dal Sito; Il titolare del trattamento non effettua alcun controllo su contenuti e materiali pubblicati da o ottenuti attraverso siti terzi, né sulle relative modalità di trattamento dei dati personali dell’utente, ed espressamente declina ogni relativa responsabilità per tali eventualità. L’utente è tenuto a verificare la policy dei siti terzi cui accede tramite il Sito e ad informarsi circa le condizioni applicabili al trattamento dei propri dati personali. La presente policy si applica solo al Sito come sopra definito.


Il sito utilizza i seguenti cookie:

- cookie tecnici: che consentono la normale navigazione di un sito e la rendono ottimale per ogni singolo utente poiché salvano le preferenze e i criteri di navigazione di ognuno. Per questo tipo di cookie non è necessario il consenso degli utenti.

- Cookie di terze parti per fini di marketing: questi cookie sono utilizzati al fine di raccogliere informazioni sull'uso del sito da parte degli utenti in forma anonima quali: pagine visitate, tempo di permanenza, origini del traffico di provenienza, provenienza geografica, età, genere e interessi ai fini di campagne di marketing.

- Google Analytics: è un servizio di analisi web fornito da Google che utilizza i Dati Personali raccolti per tracciare ed esaminare l’uso di questa Applicazione, compilare report sulle sue attività e condividerli con gli altri servizi sviluppati da Google. Google può utilizzare i tuoi Dati Personali per contestualizzare e personalizzare gli annunci del proprio network pubblicitario. Questa integrazione di Google Analytics rende anonimo il tuo indirizzo IP. L'anonimizzazione funziona abbreviando entro i confini degli stati membri dell'Unione Europea o in altri Paesi aderenti all'accordo sullo Spazio Economico Europeo l'indirizzo IP degli Utenti. Solo in casi eccezionali, l'indirizzo IP sarà inviato ai server di Google ed abbreviato all'interno degli Stati Uniti. Dati Personali raccolti: Dati di utilizzo; Strumento di Tracciamento.

- Cookie funzionali: questi cookie permettono al sito di riconoscerti ogni volta che accedi al sito, in modo da non dover inserire i tuoi dati di accesso ogni volta che visiti il sito.



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